Wednesday, October 14, 2009

so important

let go of anger. there are many incredible
things to see. days race by turning into years
so quickly. feel the sun warm your skin on
a cool autumn morning. look at the joy in a
child's eyes when greeted with a smile. we are
mirrors to our children, let them know we
are happy. the moments when they're young are
so important.

Friday, October 9, 2009

John the Prophet

"War is over." I tell my son.
Then I tell him of the man on my tee shirt he calls "Jun."

His journey began in a port town,
where ships brought dreams and rock and roll across the ocean.
He made some friends who helped him change the world
with the music they made.

His fame gave him access to generations
of revolutionaries. This is a time of change.
Forty years ago, John Lennon spoke out against the war in Vietnam.
His voice and dream entered the imaginations of those who listen.

A peaceful revolution awakens this day,
Harvesting the seeds of yesterday as people from around the world gather.
So many of us want Peace, John delivered the message,
we need only "Imagine" its possibility.

He told the world Peace is ours if we want it.
The time has arrived to carry on this message.
Today, President Obama was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.

As we celebrate the birthday of a peaceful soul,
may John's dream of a world where "War is Over" be the one
President Obama achieves with this award of Peace. The world wants it.