Monday, January 12, 2009

9:18 Be here now

Moments tick by throughout the day and I find myself following routines I have established. A month and a half ago I decided to discipline myself to writing everyday on this blog. For about a week straight 9:18 was the time I'd find myself arriving at the computer to write. It was as if I was being drawn into this world. It is funny because this is about the only time I involve myself with technology. We have three clocks in the house all set to different times, the stove, the computer, and an alarm clock. Time has held little meaning for me in my life, but there is something about seeing 9:18 that signals me to write.

Earlier this evening, Fyn and I went for a walk, and as we arrived at the bend in the river a heron took flight from a tree. These are such beautiful birds and I feel fortunate that we see them as often as we do. They arrive in my dreams leading me into flight on giant wings. Each time we see one I feel it is a messenger revealing a piece of the magical world we have entered. A few months ago as Fyn and I were sitting at the river I started writing my poem/mantra "Be here now" and Heron arrived beside the river. It was an incredible day because it was drizzling, salmon were running, and we watched what looked to be a storm rolling in. The colors were beautiful as we sat beneath a tree that gave us shelter. As I said the words "Be here now," repeated them, and then started writing them this majestic bird walked downstream to us. I put my pen down and kept saying "be here now" as I breathed in and out. For about a quarter of an hour, Heron, Fyn and I shared the moment. The most beautiful sunshine emerged and Fyn started to stir from his sleep, which seemed to signal Heron that it was time to take flight. Since then, I have found it to be a great way to focus my mind on this place where I am. I include it here now.

Be here now be here now be here now be here now be here now be here
Now be here now be here now be here now be here now be here now be
Yesterday's gone, now is here, this is where
in touch with nature wherever we are
is more important than where we were
yesterday--each day is life for us
we can choose to lock our self away
inside little boxes or we can release
into nature--we were fooled into
believing we were part of a machine
corporations created as fuel to run
the world. We are the power when
we are in touch with our mother,
fuels we consume come from her and
they are the blood that give us life. We must
stop tearing her flesh with bombs and
honor her with love, be here now be here now
be here now be here now be here now be here

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