Sunday, January 4, 2009


I am a magician in the forest, a wizard you may say. Gathering ingredients to create what we all need.

When I was at my youngest state of being, I clung to my mother for dear life. She sheltered me until I was ready to leap into the world.

As I made my descent to the forest floor life awakened in me, for I became an individual. It was now up to me to grow healthy, strong, and connected to life.

In order to do so, it was necessary to find a place underground to transform. As rains washed over mother, I took some in sprouting towards the sky above and earth below. This is when I became a magician. As I lifted my top above the soil, I breathed the air humans sent into the world.

Not even knowing what I was doing I changed that air and gave it back. It seemed perfectly natural. In time I grew taller, but in order to stay in balance I sent out roots beneath the ground.

Time went by and I became more aware of things around me. I began to realize it was the river of life flowing beside me. It was this life I was drinking in through my roots to help me create. I kept reaching to the sun with limbs held high. The taller I grew the more I was able to process. It was not until I created new life from myself that I learned it was magic I create.

There are many of us in nature. We give what we have for we know that our longevity depends upon these gifts. We are rising from our silence to teach balance to all who will listen. Breathe in and breathe out, become one with us.

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