Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Calling Peace

Hearing thousands calling for peace and one shouting for war, peace rises from darkness as dawn replaces night. She awakens from nightmare to restore and revamp the world we've come to know. She replaces feelings of guilt and apathy with loving kindness and hope.
Peace does not carry a hefty price tag or gun, her arms are open and giving. She does not seek to destroy another's belief system, instead she guides us to see our many similarities. She understands that greed leads to violence and oppression, and those who lead through fear seek to control the masses. In doing so, they create chaos and destruction, whereas Peace seeks unity and balance through love.
Our world demonstrates daily her desire for peace as nature conveys balance among Earth's many different beings. Even in the worst of natural disasters, animals find a way to rebuild and move forward. Yet those in power continue dropping bombs trying to force their will on others. Humans have been sold a pack of lies and through swallowing this poison have given up their true nature.
One hundred fifty years ago, the thought of a box on wheels that controls humans would have been considered crazy-then the automobile was invented. A hundred years ago, thoughts of a box that could control human minds was unheard of-then the television was unleashed. Nowadays if you tell someone you don't have one or the other, they ask how you can live. Both technologies have been polished, shined, and sold to us while advertisers tell consumers they need the latest and greatest.
In truth, we are the latest and greatest. We can forget the lies and move forward in peace and love. We need only to go for a walk, sit down beside a river and listen to nature. She will guide you to this amazing place where peace awakens deep within the soul. As you open your eyes to the new day unfolding, live up to your exceptional potential. We can lead this world into peace.

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