Sunday, December 14, 2008

River Eagle

The day Victoria went into labor, we we went for a walk to the river hoping to help the process along. As we reached our first bend in the river an eagle flew by at eye level. We were blessed with a magical feeling as we watched the beautiful bird soar over the river. We were entering the magical experience of birth and new life on that January day.

While our mother makes her trip around the sun, we walk and sit beside the river each day. The eagle has appeared along with many other birds and animals. Seeing them in their natural environment refreshes the soul filling it with wonder and amazement. We are connecting to the natural world, a place where time is measured in seasons rather than by a watch.

Right now it is snowshoe season, which opens the skies to the flight of birds as they soar above the leafless trees. Today eagle is seen approaching on the wind's currents. His wings spread wide welcoming us into his world. Fyn sleeps peacefully in his carrier on my chest. I tell him of the eagle we saw eleven moons ago. We give thanks to his appearance because he reminds us of that beautiful day at the beginning of the path we are walking.

We are children of our Earth Mother. Last night we were entertained through stories and songs about the importance of our mother and her waters. This morning we enter the enchanted forest beside the river thankful for the beauty surrounding us, thankful for the wonderful world we will protect. Peace awakens within.

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