Friday, December 19, 2008

an interesting day

Everyday seems more interesting than the one before. I am fascinated with everything Fyn does. Watching him grow makes me think of all the things I've learned in this lifetime. Ten months have passed in a flash as I've watched Fyn emerge from his cocoon unable to do much other than breathe, eat, and sleep. Things he learns we take for granted because it feels like we have always known how to do them. I cannot remember learning to crawl, but I am sure it was a most exciting day for my mom when she saw me do it. Standing has always seemed pretty basic. I'm quite good at it, and yet watching wobbly feet hold this little boy up as he ventures a step fills me with amazement. He is an observer of gravity, and rarely gets discouraged with a fall. He finds such joy in the kitties scurrying about the house. When he is close, he lays down trying to snuggle them. I laugh when he tries to lick the kitties and they look at me with "What is he doing eyes?" His interest in all things reminds me that I too must enjoy all I do. Today was an interesting day.

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